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Q: What advances did the golden age make during the gupta empires golden ge?
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What is an example of an achievemnt that was made during the golden age of the gupta empire?

The main achievements of the Gupta Empire were in the fields of war and art. Art included their sculpture, painting, literature and architecture.

What was the main inspiration for art and literature during the Mauryan and Gupta empires?


The golden age of India took place during what Empire?

Golden age of India is the Gupta Empire. During this period India witnessed a huge growth in culture,medicine,temples,science and economy. Aryabhatta,Varahamihra were greatest mathematicians during Gupta era. Arts and music reached a new height.

Who did the Gupta's trade with?

The Gupta empire traded with other Indian empires and even Roman empires.

Who did the Gupta empire trade with?

The Gupta empire traded with other Indian empires and even Roman empires.

What empire did the golden age of India took place during?


Who was the greatest ruler during the golden age in India?

chandra gupta the 2

What achievement developed during the golden ages of the Gupta empire?

The flourishing of literature.

Why is the gupta empire called the golden age of?

The Gupta Empire is referred to the Golden Age of India because it was a time of cultural activities. art, literature, and poetry was huge during this time.

Which is an example of an achievment that developed during the golden age of the gupta empire?

Flourishing of literature.

Which of the example of an achievement that developed during the golden age of the gupta empire?

Flourishing of literature.

Which is an example of an achievement that developes during the Golden Age of the Gupta Empire?

the flourishing of literature