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it allows the information to be gathered in real time, and therefore the response to the customer can be more timely than with traditional media.

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Q: What advantage does interactive technology have over traditional means of gathering consumer data?
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What are examples of the traditional economy?

subsistence framing, hunting and gathering

Why did they need technology in the stone age?

they needed technology to do basically the things we do to day but mostly for hunting and gathering;)

What technology is involved in gathering or using solar power?

Solar panels

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The biggest advantage of farming and herding over hunting and gathering as a way of life is that it is controlled. These methods of food gathering are more dependable than hunting and gathering.

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Traditional economy

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traditional economy

Effects of technology on hunting and gathering?

Technology has enabled hunting and gathering societies to improve hunting efficiency through tools like bows and arrows, while also providing communication and transportation benefits. However, over-reliance on technology can lead to unsustainable practices, disrupt traditional ecological knowledge, and create a disconnect from the natural world. Ultimately, the impact of technology on hunting and gathering communities can vary depending on how it is integrated into their way of life.

How is Botswana economy in the ecocomic growth stage stated by Rostow?

Botswana economy is in the Traditional Society stage of growth as stated by Rostow. This means that they are a primary economy, meaning their society depends on hunting and gathering, subsistence agriculture, and limited technology

What technology is involved in gathering or using natural gas?

Hydraulic Fracturing, commonly known as 'fracking'.

What is a traditional occupation?

hunting and gathering are the most traditional jobs. though today's society is much different when we need to get food or anything else today it is mostly done by robotics or techonolgy man hunting and gathering are the most traditional and were the first jobs

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a pow wow is a traditional gathering of north American natives .

What are at least two important area of technology where GIS is based?

gathering digital spatial data and creating digital maps.