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Pharaohs received the advantage of political rule over all of Egypt.

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Q: What advantages did pharoahs have in Egyptian society?
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What did Egyptian mummifiers do?

They mummified Egyptian Pharoahs.

How did the development of Egyptian society affect their art?

Because most of their art included animals or pharoahs, which they belived to be their Gods.

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What pharaohs tombs have been found?

Egyptian Pharoahs are buried in the Valley of the Pharoahs, and not in pyramids as is popularly believed.

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What do you put in pyramids?

Some pyramids have long-dead Egyptian Pharoahs in them.

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Egyptian dynasty considered pharoahs to be reincarnation of gods

Who did the Egyptians build the pyramids for?

The ancient egyptians build pyramids for the Egyptian pharoahs and kings.

What is the Egyptian tombs for pharaohs?

The structure is called a Pyramid. Although some pharoahs were buried in caves not Pyramids.

Where did the Egyptian bury the dead?

the egyptians buried their dead under ground like we do but it was only a few pharoahs that were able to be mummified and put in pyramids. there was also the valley of the kings where many of the pharoahs of Egypt were buried.

What are pyramids famous for?

Pyramids are most famous for being the shape of many Egyptian burials, mostly of pharoahs and the aristocracy.