

What age are cows still good for calving?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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Any age, really, as long as you make sure she maintains good condition, has her annual vaccinations, and can still suckle and wean a good calf. Some cows can still be mommas when they're past 20 years of age.

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Q: What age are cows still good for calving?
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What is the age at first calving for a Holstein-Friesen?

The age at first calving for this breed should be 24 months of age.

How long before breeding beef cattle?

Heifers should be bred when they reach 15 months of age. Cows should be rebred 45 to 60 days after calving.

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Holstein cows can die at any age. Really, they can. Any age means from 2 to 20 years of age.

Can cows live alone?

Majority of cows don't and shouldn't need help with calving, especially beef cows. It gets questionable with dairy cows, especially Holsteins--not so much with Jerseys or other non-Holstein dairy breeds.

How do you keep beef cattle from producing milk after calving?

You do not! In a beef herd the mother (dam) is kept for many years to breed the 'beef' offspring that spend 7 to 9 months sucking mothers milk and grazing. This is a suckler herd. A beef breeder. Answer 2: Like the above poster said, you do NOT keep beef cows from producing milk after calving. However, the only reason you should let beef cows (or a beef cow) dry up is if her calf died and there is no other orphan calf she should or can foster. Other than that, beef cows should not be dried up because they have a calf to nurse, which needs their milk in order to grow into a healthy heifer/bull/steer. Beef cows are not like dairy cows where their calves are taken away from them at birth: with beef cows, the calves stay on their mommas until it's time to wean them at 6 to 10 months of age.

How old are cows?

Cows can range from 2 to 20 years of age or older.

If a cows vulva is swollen how long until she gives birth?

It all depends on how swollen the vulva is and how quickly it swells. My pregnant cows vulva has doubled its size overnight so Im assuming a week or so. From memory it was huge last time she gave birth,it was large enough and floppy enough that it bounced as she walked and then she calved within the week. But I do think all cows are different,going by age and if she has calved before. Id also like to add,you can tell by the change in the cows behaviour where shes at. They tend to isolate themselves,rest more and urinate more just before calving.

Does amino acid still good for forty years of age?

no because it is not good of our health

When milk cows are culled due to age or other circumstances are they sold for meat and if so what products does their meat go into?

Yes, dairy cows are sold for meat when they are culled. Their meat is only good for hamburger and sausages, nothing else.

What is the reproductive efficiency ratio in cows?

There really is no such thing as "reproductive efficiency ratio" for cows. A cow's reproductive efficiency is not dependent on one particular ratio, but rather several factors such as environment, genetics, nutrition, age, body condition and management.There is, however, another way to measure reproductive performance (or possibly efficiency) in a cow herd that a number of producers know and use. GOLD indicators is such a tool that is frequently used. GOLD stands for Growth in terms of weaning weight (calves should be ~45% of their dam's weight at weaning), Opens (a cow herd should have maximum of 4% open rate of cows), Length of calving season (should have a 63-day calving season or less), and Death loss of calves (should have less than 4% death loss in calves post-partum and abortion).

When is a heifer too old to be bred?

There really isn't a specific age when a heifer is too old to be bred. However, past five to seven years of age can be considered "too old" to get her bred. And yet, you still can get her bred if you use a really calving-ease (and proven) bull on her, just like you would with 15 month old heifers.

Where were cows orriginated from?

In Asia and Europe during the New Stone Age.