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Q: What age can babies start eating tuna?
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When do babies start eating oatmeal?

Babies can start oatmeal after 9 months of age..

Can a toddler eat tuna?

no because their teeth are not all fully developed or strong enough to chew it so that they dont choke

When can babies start eating honey?

After one year of age, but always ask your child's doctor before introducing them to new foods.

At which age do babies start counting?

when their Kayla peavys age

When do babies start talking?

At the age of 3

At what age can goats start eating grass?

Young kids will start to mimic their mother at about two weeks of age and start nibbling on what their mother is eating.

When does babies start holding their bottles?

age of 9 mouths

What age do babies start wearing diapers?

Right out of the womb.

At what age do babies start to laugh?

Babies usually start to laugh around 2 to 4 months old but every baby is different.

At what age are babies ready to eat?

Babies begin eating as soon as they are born, but they are ready for solid foods at a young as 3 to 4 months.

When do babies feed with spoon?

As soon as possible. I would say when they start playing with food with there hands give them a spoon. They will start trying to learn hoe to use it and it will be a motter of no time before they know how to properly use it.

How often do you need to feed baby?

How often babies need to be fed depends on their age, size, and how much they are eating at one time. Generally babies under 4 months old eat about every 2 hours, but go for longer stretches without eating while sleeping at night. After 4 months babies space their feedings farther apart and eat more at once. They are fed closer to every 3-4 hours at this age. Once babies start eating solid foods, their feedings will change too. There is no set feeding time for babies. It is best to take cues from baby about when he or she is hungry.