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Atleast two years old, but always ask your doctor first before you actually do just for extra caution.

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Q: What age can you give babies honey?
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Why can't you feed honey to babies under the age of 1?

because they explode!

Is it OK to give a one year old bee honey?

You can give honey to bees of any age.

Why shouldn't you give babies under one honey?

a bacteria present in honey that babies do not have a resistance for. deadly... baby botulism

Why not feed honey to an infant?

There are yeasts/ fungi that can grow in honey- babies have not yet developed defenses against them. It can be very unhealthy to feed honey to babies.

Why does honey harm infants?

Honey is NOT recommended for children less than 1 year of age because of the chance of contacting botulism poisoning. After that age, you may give honey in moderation. A matter of fact, honey is a great way to subdue an irritating cough.

When can babies start eating honey?

After one year of age, but always ask your child's doctor before introducing them to new foods.

Are babies allowed honey?

No because it can occasional contain a pour of bacteria and this can cause Botulism in your baby hope it helps!!

When elephants give birth where do they keep their babies?

The babies stay with their mothers. They begin to travel with the herd at a very young age.

How do you eat honeycomb?

Chew the honeycomb until the honey flavor is gone, then either eat or spit out the wax. Don't give it to babies.

Is directly consuming honey danger to health?

If you mean raw honey, then no, it is not harmful; in fact many people prefer raw honey. But never give honey (raw or not) to a child under one year of age, or to pets.

What age can you give babies water?

It is safe to feed infants water as soon as they will drink it.

When does a honey badger reproduce?

Honey Badgers Reproduce in mid-spring. The babies come out in winter.