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Sometimes as young as 12. But the average would be 15 or so.

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Q: What age do boys get hair on there lip?
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Is it normal for a girl to have so much facial hair?

Yes, as a lot of boys are already well in to puberty by age 13.

Did Hitler have a hair lip?

Hitler did not have a hair lip. He did have a moustache, though.

Why dont boys wear lip gloss?

In general, boys don't wear lip gloss because it is not culturally accepted in most places. Some boys do wear lip gloss, especially boys in entertainment.

What age do the boys get their hair cut in the cook islands?

It depends on who the person is.

Jersey boys lip sync?

No, all of the songs in Jersey Boys are performed live, no lip- syncing.

What is the right age to remove hair from upper lip?

There is no right age, you can get rid of that yuck stuff as soon as it comes, just shave it off

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When do boys start getting chest hair?

Boys usually grow chest hair between the ages of 12 and 18. However, men as old as 30 years of age can start growing chest hair.

Do girl like boys with cool hair?

people my age, mostly like guys with cute, long flippy hair :)

Is a 10 year old supposed to have armpit hair?

Normally probably not, some boys once they reach their stage of growth usually begin growing hair then, but sometimes a boy doesn't grow armpit hair until older age. I am not sure if you got it from your dad(genes/heredity) or not, but usually boys shouldn't have armpit hair in such an early year.

Why do the call the cleft lip a hair lip?

just a regular hairclip

At what age can you get a lip ring?

you can get your lip piercing at age 14 depends on what your parents say about it