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A female dog (of any breed) first goes into heat sometime around the 6th,7th, or 8th month of age. There's no way to predict when. For this reason, it's best to have a female dog spayed before her 6th month of age.

Female dogs get significant health benefits when they're spayed before the onset of their first heat cycle.

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Q: What age do standard female poodles come in heat?
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Can spade female still give of scents to mal e cats?

A spayed female will not come into heat, but may choose to accept males through force of habit if she has bred before. She will still have the standard "female cat" scent, though only cats can detect it.

How long does a toy poodles heat last?

A few weeks.

How often can female dogs come in heat?

Every 6 months.

When does a female standard poodle go in heat?

The best time to mate a standard poodle is when he or she is sexually mature and reached his or her full height. This usually takes 12-24 months. Also have any necessary tests performed for your poodles hips, eyesight and any other necessary tests that your Vet recommends. This way, if your poodle breeds successfully, it is unlikely the litter will inherit any genetic problems from your dog.

How do you recognize when your female dog has her first heat cycle?

The best way to recognize when your female dog has her first heat cycle is to spot the drops of blood that will come from her rear. Her female parts will also appear swollen.

Can you help a female dog be more acceptable to breed with a male dog I have two that I am trying to breed. They get along great and play around but everytime he tries she gets mean. What can I do?

you have to wait for them to come into heat If the female is in heat she will eventually come around.

How many heats do English mastiff have in a year?

Normally a female (of any breed) will come into heat approximately every 6 months. It could be sooner if they are around another female in heat.

How do you bring a female German Shepherd dog into heat?

You can't. They usually come into heat every six months, providing they are healthy.

How do you get a female dog in heat?

You don't. If the dog is old enough she'll come into heat on her own (unless she's spayed- then she won't no matter what).

What is the standard unit of heat?

Standard units of heat is Joules.

Will licking a female dog make her go into heat?

If a male dog licks a female dog it will not bring her into heat if she is not at the right stage of the estrous cycle. Hormones such as estrogen must be at the right level for the dog to come into heat. The short anser to your question then is, "no".