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Everybodys differant. Peoples teeth sometimes begin to fall out or "move" in a late age. And some peoples begin in an early age. Its unpredictable. Sorry.

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Q: What age do your teeth stop moving?
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If a child has several baby teeth than it is probably a good idea for them to stop. Sucking their thumb at this age can cause tooth problems such as bent teeth. Many dentists reccommend that if a child is eating solid foods on their own, they should stop sucking on their thumbs to prevent such problems that can sometimes cause a need for braces later in life.

When teeth start making gaps after the age of 25 does it have anything to do with bad health or does the body lack vitamins or calcium?

it could just be the way your teeth grew or are moving around in your mouth. you might not even realise this.

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It will stop moving in 200 million years.

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Planets can not stop moving, your question is pointless.