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Q: What age does a child have to be to decided who they want to love with?
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Can a child decide who they want to live with?

It depends on the child's age and where he or she lives.

What is the age a child chooses where they want to live?


What is the age for a child to decide who they want to live with in WV?

In West Virginia, a child can decide which parent they want to live with when they are 18.

What is the age for a child to decide who they want to live with in IN?

18 years

Is being in love at the age of 9 years old bad or good?

That's too early to be in love, child.

Legal age of child to choose where they want to live after one parent is deceased?

Age 18.

What age does the child have to be to decide whether they want to live with a relative not the parents?

Age of Majority on your state

What age must a child be to pick which parent they want to live with?

There really isn't an age, the child can tell the judge where he want's to go but that isn't always the way the judge will go but he will take it into consideration.

What is the youngest age you can have a boyfriend?

There is no age limit for love. But still, I want a person as old as I am.

What age is a child considered to be unemancipated in Pennsylvania?

There is no specific age for a child to become unemancipated. There are a variety of reasons why a child may want to become emancipated. In the state of Pennsylvania, there is no minimum age for emancipation however, there must be a reason for the child to request this status.

Can a child at 14 decide who she want to live with at age 14 in the state of Nevada?

No, not until the child is 18.

What age in Pennslvania can a child decide what parent they want to live?

When they are 18.