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at least 25 by the time he/she takes office

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Q: What age does a person have to be to serve as a member of the house of representatives?
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Did james madison serve in the house of representatives?

No, he was a member of the House of Representatives (5th and 15th districts of Virginia), but he was never the Speaker of the House.

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How long does each member of the house of representatives serve'?

two years

What is the trem for speaker of the house?

The term served by a member of the House of Representatives is two years. A person can serve in the House of Representatives as long as that person is re-elected. Some members of the House of Representatives have served most of their political career in the House of Representatives.

How many terms can a House Representative's serve?

A House of Representative member can serve an unlimited amount of years as a member of the House of Representatives. They run for election every two years.

How many years is the term of office for a member of the House of Representatives?

Representatives serve two-year terms.

How many years is a term of office for a member of the house of representatives?

Representatives serve two-year terms.

How many year does a member of the House of Representatives serve?

They serve for a term of two years, and can serve for as many terms as they're elected for - there are no term limits for Senators and Representatives.

How old does a member of the house of representatives have to be in order to serve in office?

no person shall be a representative who shall not have attained the age of 25 years old.

Does the vice president serve as House of Representatives?

No, the vice president does not serve as a member of the House of Representatives. The vice president's role is to preside over the Senate and to cast a vote in case of a tie. The House of Representatives is a separate legislative body with its own members.

What state did jamse a Garfield serve as a member of the house of representatives?

Garfield served for Ohio.