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At the age of 18 the person (male or female) is a legal adult, regardless of school, college, or military. They are 100% ADULTS!!!!

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Q: What age is a parent free from financial responsibilty for an adult child in Indiana?
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Can a 20 year old buy a car in Indiana without a parent?

There is nothing that would prevent it in Indiana. They are considered an adult and can enter into a contract.

Can you apply for financial with out parent you are 18 and have lived on your own since you were 15?

You are an adult at 18 and can apply.

Can a 15 year old move out with out parents permission?

No; A youth must be 16 before a parent can diminish responsibilty towards the child. Legally anyway.

Does a parent have financial obligations to an 18 year old who is out of high schoo begins college and lives with an aunt and never visits the noncustodial parent and never get to claim her on taxes?

Once she is an adult, there are no financial responsibilities. She is on her own unless the court has said otherwise.

Who is responsible for making the funeral arrangements of a parent in Indiana?

The responsibility for making funeral arrangements in Indiana follow a specific order. The order starts with a person named in a funeral planning document or the person who holds a power of attorney over the deceased parent. If there was not a funeral planning document or power of attorney, the responsibility goes to a surviving spouse, then an adult child, and lastly to any adult next of kin.

How can a parent no longer be responsible for her 18 year old son who is still in school?

Depending on the state, yes. The age of majority in Mississippi is 21.

When your 16 year old has her baby is she a legal adult in the state of Indiana?

No, having a baby does not automatically make a 16-year-old a legal adult in Indiana. In Indiana, the legal age of majority is 18 years old. However, becoming a parent does come with added legal responsibilities for the minor.

Can a parent get medical records of an adult child?

A parent can get the medical records of an adult child if the adult child gives express permission.

Can an adult child sue a non custodial parent for the parent's assets?

Is this a trick question? If the child is legally an adult (and therefore 'emancipated') then there is no "custodial" parent.

What is the legal age to make financial decisions in California?

The legal age to make financial decisions in California is 18. Individuals under 18 may need a parent or guardian to be involved in certain financial transactions on their behalf.

Is a teen parent consider emancipated?

Being a parent does not make one an adult. Only age will make you an adult.

How to disagree with parent freeing himself of financial obligation of minor through emancipation?

At the age of 18 a person has all of the rights of an adult with the possible exception of the ability to purchase and drink alcohol or rent a car. If the parent is paying child support this could also end that responsibility with the exception being if the child attends college it may be required that the parent continue financial support.