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i thought 19 was in the united states. actually 18 but people can still get into trouble depending on the situation.


At the age of 17 a girl is considered as an adult for consensual sex. At 18 she can vote. Then 21 she can drink.

The male has the same laws.

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Q: What age is considered adult in Texas?
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What age are you legally an adult in Texas?

In Texas, you are legally considered an adult at the age of 18.

Are you considered an adult in texas?

You are if you're over the age of 18.

Is a girl considered an adult at the age of 17 in tx?

No, the age of majority is 18 in Texas.

Is a 17 year old legally an adult in Texas?

In Texas, a 17-year-old is considered a minor and does not have the legal rights and responsibilities of an adult. The age of majority in Texas is 18.

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No, the legal age in Texas is 18.

When are you legally considered an adult in the state of Texas?

The age of majority in TX is 18.

Adult age in Texas?

In Texas, the legal age of adulthood is 18. At this age, individuals are considered adults and have certain rights and responsibilities, such as voting, signing contracts, and being tried as an adult in the legal system.

What is the legal age for a female to be considered an adult IN TEXAS?

Same as it is in all the other states.

What age is considered to be an adult?

No! Being pregnant does not automatically make you an adult. Adulthood is only accomplished by age - You are still a "minor child" by legal standards.

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You are considered an adult in the state of Texas at age 17.

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What is the legal age in Texas as an adult?

The legal age in Texas to be considered an adult is 18 years old. At this age, individuals gain the rights and responsibilities associated with adulthood, such as voting, serving on a jury, and entering into contracts without parental consent.