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Q: What age should a person be to pick up a child from school?
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Can you pick up your child from school if other parent has primary physical custody?

You can pick your child up from school if you have joint legal custody. However, picking a child up after school is not something that can be left to chance. It should be arranged by agreement between the parents. You should be discussing this issue with the other parent. You should not be thinking of stopping by the school unannounced to pick the child up when there is a usual routine in place. Any time the usual routine will be modified the other parent, the child and the school should be notified in advance.

Is there any way to prevent a non custodial parent from taking or picking up your child from school?

The following is general since you didn't include any details.First, you should make certain the school is notified that you are the custodial parent and you should provide the school with a certified copy of the decree that awarded sole legal custody to you. If you have sole legal custody you should inform the school that the non-custodial parent is not allowed to take the child during the school day or pick the child up when school is dismissed. If the non-custodial parent persists in trying to take the child from school then you will need to address the situation in court.If the non-custodial parent is allowed to pick the child up after school pursuant to your visitation order then you must obey the order.The following is general since you didn't include any details.First, you should make certain the school is notified that you are the custodial parent and you should provide the school with a certified copy of the decree that awarded sole legal custody to you. If you have sole legal custody you should inform the school that the non-custodial parent is not allowed to take the child during the school day or pick the child up when school is dismissed. If the non-custodial parent persists in trying to take the child from school then you will need to address the situation in court.If the non-custodial parent is allowed to pick the child up after school pursuant to your visitation order then you must obey the order.The following is general since you didn't include any details.First, you should make certain the school is notified that you are the custodial parent and you should provide the school with a certified copy of the decree that awarded sole legal custody to you. If you have sole legal custody you should inform the school that the non-custodial parent is not allowed to take the child during the school day or pick the child up when school is dismissed. If the non-custodial parent persists in trying to take the child from school then you will need to address the situation in court.If the non-custodial parent is allowed to pick the child up after school pursuant to your visitation order then you must obey the order.The following is general since you didn't include any details.First, you should make certain the school is notified that you are the custodial parent and you should provide the school with a certified copy of the decree that awarded sole legal custody to you. If you have sole legal custody you should inform the school that the non-custodial parent is not allowed to take the child during the school day or pick the child up when school is dismissed. If the non-custodial parent persists in trying to take the child from school then you will need to address the situation in court.If the non-custodial parent is allowed to pick the child up after school pursuant to your visitation order then you must obey the order.

Are there any daycare providers that offer services in the evening that will pick my child up from school?

There are several services that will pick up your child from school provided the school is in the same area as the daycare.

Can a 13year old pick up a sibling from school?

Depends on the school, but most likely only the parent or guardian can pick up a child from school.

Can a daycare provider keep a child from the legal father if the mother simply tells them to do so?

Research the Laws for your state. most daycare centers have a pic up list and a do not pick up list this list is for the parent to include names of a person or people who can or cannot pick up a child. that is arecord the daycare should have on record so if the person how is not on the pick up list tried to pick up the child the daycare can tell the person " I am sorry but i cannot release the child to anyone who is not on the pick up list" this can be very helpful if the person decides to call the police. However...... if the other parent who will not be allowed access to pick up the child has joint custody it can be a problem. keep in m ind in the day care center your child is nto the only child there so it shold be established who can and cannot pick up the child as soon as possible. parents can become irate and violent even in a daycare if they are denied a right they believe they have.

Should I start my child with a used camera?

Photography is a great hobby for young adults and teens to pick up. If your child is taking a photography class at school you should start her off with a used camera until she learns how to use it effectively.

Should you pick up things after my child?

yes u should pick thang up after so they want hurt they self

Could children pick their bedtime?

No. That will not happen. At least, your parents pick. Should you pick your bedtime when you're a child? No. They do not pick. Until you're 18, you do not pick your own. Remember that.

Should kids choose the school classes?

no the children should not have the right to pick the things they learn in school

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Do you have to give your child's school a copy of the custody order?

Your query begs the question of why a parent would not want the school to have the custody order in their records. A prudent school system will require a copy of any custody order for liability reasons. The school needs to know who has legal custody so it will know who it can release the child to, who should be contacted in an emergency, who has the legal power to designate who can take the child when the custodial parent cannot and who has the legal power to sign school documents. The custodial parent should always make certain the school knows who has legal custody so the child will not be released to the non-custodial parent in a contentious situation. The child should know who can and cannot pick them up at school.

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A Christian should pick godparents who are also born-again Christians, who are solid in the faith, as they are responsible for continuing the child's training in the faith should the parents become incapacitated or die.