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Q: What age should children have all their primary teeth?
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How many teeth in an child's mouth?

Children have 20 teeth, once they have all come in of course. Most children have all of their primary (baby) teeth by the age of 2 years old.

How many teeth's does a child have?

It depends on their age. They will have 32 when fully grown but this may not be until they are about 25 or possibly later. But as a child they have 20.

How many years are deciduous teeth retained for?

children start to lose their primary teeth around 6yrs of age and the process is finished at around 12yr or 13yr of age.

How many baby teeth by the age of 3?

A three year old should have 20 teeth. (They should all be in by the time he/she is two)

At what age do primary teeth exfoliate?

Primary teeth start falling off around the age of 6. The first teeth to exfoliate are usually the lower cental incisors.

What influences have an effect on the age at which children lose their primary teeth?

When they're about 8-9 maybe earlier or later but it's about smthin like that....

When should I start brushing my child's teeth?

Parents may begin brushing a child's teeth with a small, soft toothbrush at about two years of age, when most of the primary teeth have come in. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Also, you can probably go to a children dentist and they might give you a soft toothbrush and some swallow safe toothpaste

What age should children bruch teeth?

You should start around age one, as soon as all of the teeth have come in. Use a flouride free tothpaste and a little brush. Show them what to do, and help them out the first few times.

When do you lose your primary teeth?

A child has 20 primary teeth, and normally he would lose all of them. The process starts around the age of 6 and finishes around the age of 12. Sometimes, when one of a few adult teeth are missing, the related primary tooth remains in the mouth, sometimes for a life time.

How many teeth do children have aged 2-6 years?

Every child is different, but by the age of 2 and a half all baby teeth should be visible.

Should primary students complete assessment?

Children under the age of 12 should be children,when they are in high school then they should do homework but for now i think life is hard enough for us!!

How many teeth should a teenager have?

Depending on age, early 13 should be minimum 26 teeth, age 14, 28 teeth, and by 21, you should have wisdom teeth.