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i started losing molars when i was 10, but you shouldn't wait until you are a certain age to lose them, as long as they are your baby molars, and they are loose it's fine. unless your like, 5,7,6 y.o or younger than 5 because you should NOT even have loose molar when your that young and should see a orthodonist if you are that young and they are loose.

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around 10-12

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Q: What age should you lose your incisors?
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What age do you lose your front teeth?

The average age that a child looses his central incisors is 6 years old.

Is it normal for a child to lose more than two baby teeth at one time?

Yes it may happen at the age of six to seven years. Normally at the age of 6 years a child lose two central incisors of lower jaw.At the age of 7 years two lateral incisors are lost of lower jaw. So this is a normal physiological process.At the age of 8 years a child lose two central incisors of upper jaw. If any premature lost occur it is better to visit your dentist.

What age should you lose your teeth?

about 10 years old you should lose them all

How do you find the age of a goat?

If it is not yet an adult by its dentition ie whether it has its permanent incisors yet and the number of permanent incisors it has

What age should you be to get a mp3 player?

Your age should be at least 8, or a responsible age where you won't lose it/damage it.

In what order should a baby's new teeth emerge?

First are the central incisors on the bottom,then the central incisors on the top,then the lateral incisors on the top,then the lateral incisors on the bottom. And so on. Check the link for a more detailed chart.

How do you calculate a cow's age by her teeth?

The teeth used for determining age is the front row of incisors (cows do not have a top row of teeth). When a calf is born they usually only have one pair of middle incisors (these will appear smaller). At 1-2 years they will grow their second set of permanent incisors. 3-4 years they will gain their third set of permanent incisors, then finally the corner pair of incisors. Between the age of 5-6 the middle teeth and the corner teeth will start to show wear by levelling out. Then at 10 and over all eight teeth will begin to show wear.

How does a horse change when it ages?

* Well, not ALL horses go blind, lose their teeth, and get weakened bones. That happens to some horses, depending on their "careers". One way you can tell a horses age, is by looking at their front 12 teeth.These teeth are called incisors. As horses age, their incisors sort of cave in. Below I have added a diagram, to give you an idea: *A horse changes when it ages by: going blind, loosing their teeth, and weekining bones.

If you have two cats who are one month apart in age And the younger one who is male has 12 incisors but the older one who is female has only 3 incisors Is there a problem with one of the cats?

no silly

How many incisors are there in a typical adult human mouth?

adult human have 4 incisors

How much weight should i lose at 23 years old?

The amount of weight you should lose at the age of 23 years old would depend on how overweight you are and how tall you are.

At what age do calves get teeth?

Calves are born with teeth, but only a few have already emerged when they were born. By 1 month of age a calf should already have an entire set of 8 temporary incisors. Their adult teeth replace their baby teeth when they reach ~2 years of age.