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You can start eating protein bars and shakes at 3 or 4. Excessive protein is bad for you, but as a supplement it will benefit almost everyone.

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Q: What age to start eating protein bars and shakes?
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Related questions

What supplements can be used during weight training?

Protein shakes and bars help muscles grow.

Should you take protein at all?

You absolutely must have proteins in your diet, but protein supplements such as protein shakes and protein bars are not necessary if enough protein is consumed through normal food sources.

What do you eat while weight lifting?

protein and water. i usually eat these mint builder bars that are pretty good. You can also drink the chocolate protein shakes.

How does Batista get a body like his?

he was a professional body builder before entering wrestling and he diet is basically protein shakes and energy bars

What happens if you drink too much protein without working out?

Protein bars can be used as replacement bars for regular meals or to supplement your daily intake of protein. If you are taking protein to replace a regular meal then you don't have anything to worry about. If you are eating protein bars to gain muscle then you have to make sure that the calories from the bars do not exceed your maintenance calorie intake. You will know if you are eating too many calories because your weight will start to increase.

When do marthon runners eat?

you eat healthy foods that will give you energy for that day such as energy bars or fruit shakes, try and get alot of protein in your body before your match.

What type of products does herbalife sell?

They sell different types of products! Shakes, protein bars, skin products, H24 athlete shakes, energy boosters, and much more but it's a whole list. If you would like to learn more I can gladly help. email me at

What supplement does John Cena take?

There is a John Cena supplement pak called John Cena "The Choice of A Champion" Pak. There are two versions: Pro Pak and Starter Pak. The paks consist of protein shakes, protein bars, energy drinks and some gear.

Is protein bars a good nutritious snack?

Protein bars can be a good nutritious snack. It would depend on the brand of protein bars. Some brands do not have healthy ingredients but others are gluten free and such.

What is whey protein powder?

Whey protein powder is the preferred protein supplement, as it is the most bio-absorbent, and consists of natural dairy protein. It is best to get an isolated form of whey protein.

Where can you purchase a protein bar?

Protein bars can be purchased from several places. Health food stores such as GNC sell nutritional products such as protein bars. Protein bars can also be found in the health food section of most grocery stores.

What are the cheapest best tasting muscle healing protein shakes and bars?

dried skimmed milk powder. has all bcaa's 100g of powder contains 38g protein. even though it has a high sugar content its lactose which is slow digesting so doesnt spike, and its £5 for 800g.