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Generally speaking, one dog year is regarded as being comparable to seven human years although this is only a very rough equivalent. So a 15 year-old dog would be around 105 years old as a human!

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14y ago

105 years old

7 dog years = 1 human year

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14y ago

15 x 7 = 105 human years, i.e. very, very old

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16y ago

3 years old. 1 human yr=7 dog years

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Q: How old is a dog comparable to 21 human years?
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What if your father is forty-four human years old your dog is seven years old in dog years and fifty-six years old in human years How old is your father in dog years?

308 years old

How old is the oldest dog in human years?

I think the oldest dog was 28 years old! The average of how long a dog usually lives to be about 14.

How old is your dog in dog years if they are 2 in human years?

This depends on the size of the dog when it is mature (i.e what breed it is). But for all breeds 4 months (human) would be 5-6 years (dog). Up to human year 5, all sizes of breeds age similarly, where they can be considered to be in their mid- 30s in human years, but after that, the scale changes quite a lot according to breed size. Below I've posted 2 URLs that take you to charts showing the ages for the different size of dog - the first is fairly simplified, the second is pretty detailed, but you'll need to know the adult breed average weight for an dog of the type you have to use it.

How old in human years is a 13 year old dog?

You times 13 by 7 and you get 91years. 1 year of a human is worth 7 dog years.92 years old. My husky is seven years old in human years and 49 in dog years. My German short haired pointer is fours years old in human years (Buddy just had a birthday!) and 28 in dog years. GABBY AND BUDDY ROCK!!!!A dog that is 13 would be 91 because for every 1 year for a human is seven years for a dog so 7 x 13 = 91It would be ninety one because one year of our life is seven years of theirs and 7X13=91

A dog at 14 years of age is physically as old as a human at 98 years how many years of a human's life equals 1 year of a dogs life?

there are 123 days in a dog year which means it is not possible that 1 humanyear is 7 dog years.There are 4 and a half dog years in two human years.

Related questions

If a dog is 3 years in human how old in dog?

If a human is 3 years old, then a dog is 21 years old.

If your dog is 199 in dog is how old is he in human years?

if your dog is 199 in dog years then it would be 1,393 years old in human years. All you have to do is multiply the age in dog years by 7 to get the answer. For example, if my dog is 2 years old in dog years, then my dog would be 14 years old in human years. (2x7=14)

What if your father is forty-four human years old your dog is seven years old in dog years and fifty-six years old in human years How old is your father in dog years?

308 years old

how old are does in human year?

If the dog is 2 years old in dog years than just times that by 7 so in human years you dog is 14 years old

How old is a 12 year old dog in dog years?

Dogs age at 7 years compared to one human year... thus your 12 year old dog would be 84 years old in human years

When your dog is 7 years old in human years he is approximatley?

A seven year old dog would be about 41 years old in "human years".

If your dog is 27 years old human years how old is he dog years?


How old is a dog in 17 human years?

a dog that is 17 years old in dog years is 119.

How old could a dog be if it was 21 he or she would be 147 years old?

yes if a dog is 21 years old in human years that dog would be 147 years ols in dog years. One human year = seven dog years

If you are 65 years in dog years you are how Old in Human years are you?

Divide the Dog years by 7 to get Human years equivalent. So you are 9 2/7 years old in Human years.

If a dog is 4 years in human how old would he be in dog?

It would be about 28 dog years old.

When your dog is 7 it will be how old in human years?

i believe 49 I think it's 49 if it is 7 in human years, if it is seven in dog years old then it is 1 human year old.