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Q: What air fills two organs to provide oxygen to the body tissues?
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One organ of the respiratory system?

The most important organ of our respiratory system is the Lungs. The lungs are the organs that extract or absorb oxygen from the air we breathe and fills our blood with life giving oxygen.

After hysterectomy what fills the space?

other organs of the body get into that space

What types of connective tissue fill in the spaces?

the extracellular matrix. It contains a gel-like ground substance and protein fibers. connective tissues have a lot of extracellular matrix compared to epithelial tissues that have very little.

Why is anaerobic respiration required?

When oxygen runs out, the muscles and other cells need to obtain energy from oxygen and nutrients. Anaerobic respiration (respiration without oxygen) fills this need.

What type of tissue binds organs together provides support and protection fills spaces produces blood cells and stores fat?

Connective tissue performs all these functions. It includes various types such as adipose tissue (stores fat), bone (supports and protects), and blood (produces blood cells). Its main role is to provide structure and support to the body.

What are organs that expand to fill with air?

do you mean fills with air? if so then its the lungs

What is haemocoel?

The blood-filled cavity consisting of spaces in between organs is known as haemocoel . Example, Mollusca and Arthropoda. Understanding : The haemolymph fills up the haemocoel.

How do they maintain buoyancy?

fish maintain buoyancy usind a organ near there gills wich fills with oxygen and keeps the fish afloat

When the column is not wide enough to display a number Microsoft Excel displays?

It fills the cell with # symbols.It fills the cell with # symbols.It fills the cell with # symbols.It fills the cell with # symbols.It fills the cell with # symbols.It fills the cell with # symbols.It fills the cell with # symbols.It fills the cell with # symbols.It fills the cell with # symbols.It fills the cell with # symbols.It fills the cell with # symbols.

What happens when you put oxygen into a balloon?

When you put oxygen into a balloon, the gas fills up the balloon and increases the pressure inside. This causes the balloon to expand and inflate. If too much oxygen is put into the balloon, it could burst due to the increased pressure.

When plates pull apart what often fills the void?

LavaAt divergent boundaries when plates pull apart magma rises up and fills the void. Convection cells in the mantle provide the magma which rises up at the divergent boundaries.

What fills the alveoli?

Air. Alveoli are air sacs on the end of bronchioli. Gas exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen occurs through the alveoli.