

What air that gives rust to metals?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Explosure to moist air will form rust on metals.

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Q: What air that gives rust to metals?
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What are the Name of object which rust?

Rust is a specific term used for the oxidation of Metals on exposure to air.

How does rust affect?

Rust is simply a product of the oxidation process. When metals are exposed to air, they break down forming a protective layer (rust)

What gas in the air makes steel rust?

Oxygen is the only gas which rust the metals.

What will happen to metals when exposed to acids?

Rust is formed in metals when it exposed to oxygen and moisture in air and in the presence of acid.

What is a chemical change that happens to metals like iron?

it can rust because of the oxygen in the air

Why do metals get rusted when exposed to air for a long time?

because air has oxygen in it and rust is also known a oxidation

Why do metals need to be protected against rust and tarnish?

Metals need to be protected against rust and tarnish because rust and tarnish eat metals.

Name a disadvantage of ferrous metals?

They generally oxidize with exposure to the moisture in air, producing rust.

What metals dont rust?

the metals that dont rust are gold, stainless steel and silver

Do all metals rust?

Only metals containing iron rust. Other metals, over time, corrode.

What metals do not rust or degrade outdoors?

The metals that do not rust or degrade outdoors are diamond plate, gold, iridium, and platinum. Other types of metals can rust or corrode differently.

Why do metals closer to the sea rust faster?

The sea air has moisture in it, causing the metal to corrode faster.