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specifically, which mouthwashs contain isopopyl alcohol

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Q: What alcohol does mouth wash contain?
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can you use mouth wash when the tooth extraction is not heal yet?

After extraction, for the 24h patient should avoidmouth-washing,very hot fluids, alcohol and strenuousexercise. After 24h, carry out saltwater mouth-wash or mouth wash that contain chlorhexidine gluconate ( Corsodyl ). Gently swish the liquid in your mouth.

What are the elements in mouth wash?

Some brands of mouthwash may contain fluoride or water. They may also contain alcohol, sorbitol, or other types of sweeteners.

Can you have drinks but after every glass wash your mouth out with mouth wash?

You can, but it won't change the alcohol concentration in your blood, and it won't hide the smell of alcohol on your breath.

Can an alcohol detector detect the alcohol in mouth wash?

Only if you swallow it.

How much alcohol does Scope mouth wash have?


What is mouth wash made of?

Alcohol, flavoring and bacteria fighter

What compound is mouth wash?

Mostly water and alcohol (ethanol)

What is the acid in mouth wash?

ethanol (the same alcohol that's found in alcoholic drinks)

Do you mix soap an mouth wash to clean your lip piercing?

No. Just use an alcohol-free mouthwash.

What Food that can cause alcohol breath?

None, unless they contain a lot of alcohol. Alcohol breath is caused by alcohol leaving the bloodstream via the lungs. It does not originate in the mouth.

Can marijuana be left on your teeth throat or tonsils and if so how can you get rid of it?

Yes it can be found in your mouth that's why businesses now do mouth swab drug testing,,, you can use mouth wash in brush your teeth but, don't forget mouth wash has alcohol in it so it may show up also!

What is something with alcohol that you can be under 21 to drink?

Mouth wash, but I don't advise it, as the other ingredients in it will be very bad for you.