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klein's beer klein's beer

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Q: What alcoholic beverage is sold in a container with no inside or outside?
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Is a liquor filled chocolate considered a beverage?

Yes because inside the chocolate is liquid, alcoholic liquid = a beverage.

How do you collect garbage in socitey?

You merely hang out in the street in grungy, wrinkly and unkempt garments, using a lot of filthy slang terminology, swilling who knows what alcoholic beverage from a container inside a paper bag and smoking self-rolled herbal remedies. Garbage will swarm to join you.

What metal container will maintain heat longer shiny inside and outside or shiny inside and black outside?

If your container is mirror finish on both sides, it will be a better insulator.There is a thermal concept known as emissivity, which is closely related to the inverse of reflectivity.

How hot can it get inside a shipping container?

I think about 20 deg. hotter than the outside temp.

What rate do nitrogen particles hit the inside of a container as opposed to the outside?

greater than the rate at which nitrogens particles hit the ouside of the container. x

How does the aluminum foil keep a container cool?

Aluminum foil keeps a container cool by trapping the coolness inside and deflecting heat outside. It acts as a form of insulation.

What is an eco-lid?

The eco-lid is a tab that allows the consumer to open a beverage can by pushing the lid inside the body of the container. The lid stays attached to the can, reducing solid waste.

What is inside when it is outside and what is outside when it is inside?

A door is a common object that fits this description. When a door is closed, it appears as a solid barrier on the outside but allows entry to the inside. When the door is open, the inside becomes visible from the outside, blurring the distinction between the two spaces.

Why does a difference in air pressure crush things?

A can or container can stay rigid due to equal pressure from the inside and the outside. When the atmospheric pressure from the outside increases mote than the pressure pushing out from the inside, the material gets crushed.

Why must carbonated beverages be stored in tightly sealed containers?

Tight seal for carbonated beverages keeps the pressure inside the container up so that the carbon dioxide gas stays in solution in the beverage.....if it were not under pressure, it would come out of solution and the beverage would be flat.

What does a container contain when there is nothing in it?

The inside of the container!!

How does the liquid know the pressure of the atmosphere?

The boiling point of an element or a substance is the temperature at which the Vapor_pressureof the liquid equals the environmental pressure surrounding the liquid.if we close the container and change the pressure outside the container.. the boiling point will change... why?? how will the solution inside know that the pressure outside the container is changing and it has to now change its boiling point.??