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I take it you want to know how to flush drugs out of your system prior to a urine test?

If so, just drink plenty of water. Lots and lots of water. Also drink a lot of coffee, and loads of energy drinks (example: Redbull). Coffee/Redbull are diuretics - which means they make you pee.

Do all that and you could be clean within a matter of 48 hours.

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Q: What all kinds of flush for pee test?
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no you cannot flush it out in 48 hours but what you can do is dont smoke the day before and 2 hours prior to the test you should drink a gallon of water and pee as much as possible. nd what you are doing is diluteing you pee so basically your urinateing out water

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if your house smells like pee flush the toilet all over your puppy so your puppy smells like pee p.s you are very not welcome for the edvice.

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It wount help at all. Drink alot of water and pee it out or detox juice.

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lots of water and vitamins work. just make sure you pee at least three time is one hour then your clean for up to five hours... any other test than pee your screwed. terminator gold works...

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you pee on a pregnant test

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Can you refrigerate instant flush magnum detox?

Yes it works! I use that MAGNUM Instant Flush detox GRAPE! I have never smoked until the day before my Ua though. I always quit about 2 or 3 days before my Ua Drink the drink about 2 hours before you need to go in. After you drink the drink drink a 16 Ounce bottle of water! After that hold your pee as long as you can so you have a nice long potent pee. Then pee two more times and your UA will be clean.

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Shorter showers. Dont flush everytime you pee.

How would pregnancy being diagnosed by urine test?

Because the baby's pee gets mixed with your pee and when the test senses two peoples pee it shows positive.

How long do you pee on a pregnancy test?

All the one's I've taken say 5 seconds.

How do you flush your urine out?

U pee in the toilet, reach out your hand, push down the metal lever or aka the flush , and then u wash your hands and leave

Can a girl use a guy's clean pee to pee test?

yes, but home drug test another girl urine.