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Missouri Compromise.

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Q: What allowed slavery above the 36 30' latitude?
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Allowed Slavery south of latitude 36 30'?

Missouri Compromise

What latitude became the northern boundary of slavery and its territories?

36' 30'

What compromise drew a line of slavery at latitude 36 30?

The Missouri Compromise of 1820

Which climate would not be found above 30 degrees latitude?

Rain forests of any kind would not be found past 30 degrees latitude.

What was the significance of 3630 latitude?

Kansas Nebraska Act anything what is 36 30 North would be no slavery

What climate would not be found above 30 degrees latitude?

dry continental

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The Missouri compromise stated that land below 36 degrees longitude and 30 degrees latitude was what to slavery?

The Missouri Compromise of 1820 allowed Missouri to enter the Union as a slave state, but prohibited slavery north of the 36°30' parallel in the Louisiana Territory. This line separated free and slave territories in the territory acquired through the Louisiana Purchase.

What line of latitude became the dividing line for slavery in the rest of the Louisiana Purchase?

36 degrees north and 30'

In which hemisphere is 30 degrees line of latitude located?

There is a 30 degrees line of latitude north of the Equator (just above the Tropic of Cancer), and a 30 degrees line of latitude south of the Equator (just below the Tropic of Capricorn). So 30 degrees latitude appears in both the Northern Hemisphere, and the Southern Hemisphere.

What law said there could be no slavery north of the 36 30' line of north latitude?

The law prohibiting slavery north of parallel 36 30' north was called the Missouri Compromise. This statute was a compromise agreed to by the opposing pro-slavery and anti-slavery reached in 1820 under the presidency of James Monroe.

What law said there could be no slavery north of the 36 30'line of north latitude?

The law prohibiting slavery north of parallel 36 30' north was called the Missouri Compromise. This statute was a compromise agreed to by the opposing pro-slavery and anti-slavery reached in 1820 under the presidency of James Monroe.