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Q: What allows a aluminum boat to float with pennies in it?
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How does aluminum foil boat float?

An aluminum foil boat floats because it is more dense than water, therefore the surface tension of the water is able to hold the boat up.

How can aluminum float on water?

Shape the aluminum to look like a boat, so it displaces enough water to float. The force supporting the aluminum is the buoyant force. It is equal to the weight of the volume of water displaced.

How many pennies can fit in a aluminum foil boat until it sinks?

it can hold 50 pennies depending on the base of the boat and also depenidng on the sides now if you have a 20 by 20 then may be a 100 or 150 pennies it may hold

Why do boat made from aluminum foil float in xenon gas?

it floats because the xenon gas particles are heavier that the aluminum foil's.

What is the best design for an aluminum foil boat to hold pennies?

A design with a wide base and tall walls is desirable for an aluminum foil boat. You want enough surface area supporting the pennies so they will keep floating and to not compromise that for wall height to keep water from enter your vessel.

what allows aluminum boats to float?

The boats displace water in such a way that they remain afloat. Hence why most boats have a V hull shape. This allows them to displace the water and remain afloat, if on the other hand you put to much in a boat it will eventually sink.

Which shape of aluminum foil is the best for holding 10 pennies without sinking the ball or boat?

Make a Submarine

How does the design of large boats allow them to float?

no design matters. it is the force of water resistance and upthrust that are level that allows any boat to float

How does the shape of the boat effect it to sink or float?

The science is called "displacement". If the shape of the boat allows the amount of the boat in the water to be less weight than the water it displaces it will float. If the amount of the boat in the water weighs more than the water it displaces it will sink.

How many pennies will make a aluminum boat sink?

Only one penny is required, if it is moving fast enough to puncture the hull. If you are talking about the weight of the pennies, then aluminum boats come in various sizes, so they do not all have the same penny carrying capacity. A ten foot long aluminum rowboat can carry a million pennies without sinking. Try it.

Does gravity allow a boat to float on water?

Without gravity, a boat wouldn't be able to float on water, so yes, gravity allows a boat to float (as well as sink into) water. A boat floats from buoyancy force. The buoyancy force is from the volume of water it displaces with it's shape below the water. The buoyancy force is equal to the volume of water it displaces multiplied by 62.4 lbs. per cubic foot (the density of water). So if the boat displaces 20 cubic feet of water with it's hull or shape it can hold 20 x 62.4 = 1248 lbs. of self weight plus cargo. Obviously there should be a factor of safety on that. In summary, a boat needs two things to float on water: Gravity and buoyancy force. Gravity keeps the boat on the water in the first place, but the buoyancy force is the actual thing that keeps the boat afloat. Technically, it is the buoyancy force that allows a boat to float, but if you want to get really technical, it is gravity in the first place that allows a boat to float on water.

Why can aluminum float?

Generally speaking, a denser substance will sink in a less dense substance. Assuming standard temperatures, since aluminum has a density of about 2.7 grams per cubic centimeter and water only has 1 gram per cc, aluminum would sink. A thin aluminum foil could float by virtue of the surface tension on water (but if submerged, will sink). An aluminum boat would float because it displaces a greater mass of water than its own weight. An aluminum block could also float on a liquid of higher density.