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allows a cell to control what substances pass into and out of it?

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Q: What allows a cell to control what substance pass into and out of it?
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How does the composition of the cell membrane help regulate the movement of substances into and out of the cell?

They pass through channels in the cell membrane.

What structure allows certain things to pass in and out of the cells?

The cell membrane allows only certain things to pass in and out of the cell.

What allows materials to pass in and out?

of a cell? the cell membrane.

What allows things to pass in out of the cell?

cell membrane

The ---- allows material to pass in and out of the cell?

the plasma membrane allows certain material to pass in and out.

What is the term for living substance that has pores that allows water to pass through?

Biological membrane, cell membrane, fetal membranes: amnion, chorion,

What allows certain materials to pass in and out of the cell?

A cell wall on both the plant & animal cells. a cell membrane (yes membrane is spelled M-E-M-B-R-A-N-E.) in just a plant cell. the following contribution is by Draycos a SEMIPERMEABLE membrane will allow some substances to pass and prevent other substances from passing. another name for this kind of membrane is SELECTIVELY PERMEABLE

What is a good membrane for a cell?

It allows materials to pass in and out of the cell

What is the cell membrane that allows things to pass through?

It is called semi-permeability, a series of biochemical structures and processes that Control The Ingress and Egress of bio-materials into and out of The Cell.

What only allows certain substances in and out of a cell?

The permeability of the cell membrane controls which substances may pass in or out of the cell.