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Q: What allows a cell to decipher the genetic code?
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The effort to decipher the genetic code was led by?


On what molecule is the genetic code of the cell found?

Genetic code of the cell is found in a long molecule known as DNA.

What is a double walled structure containing the cells genetic code?

The cell membrane is a double-walled structure containing a cell's genetic code.

What part of a nucleic acid allows to be used to form a code?

The form of nucleic acid that allows it to be used as a code is DNA. This is because DNA is the genetic code for everyone's genetic make up.

What part of a nucleic acid allows it to be used to form a code?

The form of nucleic acid that allows it to be used as a code is DNA. This is because DNA is the genetic code for everyone's genetic make up.

What part of a nucleic acid allows it to be used to form code?

The form of nucleic acid that allows it to be used as a code is DNA. This is because DNA is the genetic code for everyone's genetic make up.

What part of nucleic acid allows it to be used to form a code?

The form of nucleic acid that allows it to be used as a code is DNA. This is because DNA is the genetic code for everyone's genetic make up.

What nucleic acid translates the genetic code that is contained within a cell RNA or DNA?

RNA translates the genetic code that is contained within a cell.

Is it true that each new daughter cell has a different genetic code than the mother cell?

Each daughter cell has the exact same genetic code as the parent cell in mitosis. This is why cells that become old or damaged can be replaced during one's life.

When a virus takes over the machinery of a cell what does it force the cell to manufacture?

When a virus takes over a cell, it incorporates it's genetic code into the DNA of the host cell. The host cell reads the viruses genetic code, which will instruct the cell to divide and thus make even more copies of the virus.

How do you create a simple decipher code in java?

decipher code depends upon the algorithm you used to make them. there are no general methods.

What went worng to cause a cell not to copy?

There could be a mutation in the genetic code that controls cell reproduction.