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its feet?

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Q: What two structures help a frog to swim and jump?
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How does the webbed feet help frog to jump?

First. Their hind legs make up a large mass of total muscle in their bodies. Second. Their muscles in their rear legs use the all or nothing response when it comes to making a jump. They do not use this response for ambulation in normal walking or swimming.

What external features that frog live on land and water?

its webbed feet can help it to swim quick and hind legs can jump far

How does the frog use its legs while swimming?

it uses it to swim and to jump

How do frog's webbed feet help it in it's habitat?

to help them swim

How do webed feet help frog to swim?

It helps them swim faster and more efficiently.

What does the frog suit do in Super Mario 3?

The frog suit gives Mario abilities similar to a frog. For example, he can jump higher and farther, and he can swim faster underwater.

What is the movement of frog?

A frog moves by leaping. Movement via leaping is called saltatory locomotion.

Can a frog jump under water?

A frog swims in water, rather than glides.

What are frog's front legs used for?

To help them walk and to grasp the females in amplexus.the frogs forelegs are for jumping great distances. mostly for getting away from predators, or trying to launch quickly at an insect

Where are the legs attached on a frog?

The legs of frogs are attached on their sides. They use them to jump. They also use their limbs to swim.

How fast can a frog swim?

A frog can swim at 50km an hour or 31mph

How do frogs legs help them move?

Type your answer here... To jump, swim, and walk.