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The Phoenician alphabet was the inspiration for the Greek alphabet.

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Q: What alphabet was the basis of the greek alphabet?
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Which society introduced an alphabet that would later become the basis for the Greek alphabet?

The Phoenicians introduced an alphabet that would later influence the Greek alphabet. The Greek alphabet was adapted from the Phoenician script, with modifications and additions made to accommodate the unique sound system of the Greek language.

Which fertile crescent society developed an alphabet that was later the basis for Greek alphabet?

The Phoenicians

The Phoenician alphabet was probably derived from and would become the basis for?

The Phoenician alphabet was the basis for the Hebrew alphabet as well as the Greek alphabet. The Phoenician alphabet developed from the Proto-Canaanite alphabet, during the 15th century BCE. Before that, the Phoenicians wrote with a cuneiform script.

Which society introduced an alphabet the would later become the basis for the Greek?


Which Fertile Crescent society developed an alphabet that was later the basis for the Greek alphabet?

The Phoenician society, located in the eastern Mediterranean coastal region of the Fertile Crescent, developed an alphabet that served as the basis for the Greek alphabet. The Phoenician alphabet consisted of 22 consonant symbols, which were adopted and modified by the Greeks to incorporate vowel sounds as well. This Greek alphabet, in turn, became the foundation for the Latin alphabet used in many Western languages today.

Why is the Phoenician alphabet false?

The Phoenician alphabet is real, and formed the basis of the Greek and Roman alphabets, and today's European alphabets.

What is the Phoenicians' greatest legacy to the world?

The Phoenician's most important gift was the Phoenician alphabet. Also known as the Greek alphabet

What are Phoenicians most famous for?

Inventing an alphabet to replace syllabic writing. This alphabet is the basis for the Greek and Roman alphabets, and ultimately the alphabet we commonly use today.

What were the Phoenicians known for inventing?

The alphabet which formed the basis of the Greek, Latin and today's alphabets.

How did Phoenician people write in?

They invented an alphabet in about 1000 BCE which became the basis of the Greek and latin alphabets, and so our alphabet of today.

Why is the Phoenician alphabet significant?

It formed the basis of the Greek and Roman alphabets, and so our alphabets of today.

What are Phoenician imports?

They developed an alphabet which became the basis of Greek and Roman, and hence the alphabets of today.