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Stress management and behavior modification techniques may be useful to break the habit of clenching and teeth grinding. Tight jaw muscles may be relaxed by applying warm compresses to the sides of the face. Herbal muscle relaxants also can be helpful.

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Q: What alternative treatments may be given for bruxism?
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How is bruxism treated in alternative medicine?

Stress management and relaxation techniques, such as hypnosis and guided imagery , may be useful in breaking the habit of jaw clenching and teeth grinding.

Can epilepsy cause bruxism?

A person may do something like clench their teeth during a seizure, but epilepsy does not cause bruxism.

How does one diagnose bruxism?

Medical and dental histories and examinations are necessary to differentiate bruxism from other conditions that may cause similar pain

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The following alternative methods may complement conventional treatment of lazy eye. However, they are not replacements for conventional treatments.

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There are times when alternative therapies may be most beneficial, and other times when more invasive treatments are needed.

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Alternative therapies may help with stress reduction. Their use has been adopted by many leading health centers.

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There are currently no scientifically proven alternative treatments known for testicular cancer. Nothing has been shown to be as successful as conventional treatment. However, some patients may find certain alternative or.

What is the prognosis for bruxism?

Bruxism may cause permanent damage to teeth and chronic jaw pain unless properly diagnosed and promptly treated. The behavior may be eliminated if its underlying causes are found and addressed.

What are alternative treatments for myopia?

by combining exercises with changes in behavior, the progression of myopia may be slowed or prevented. Alternative treatments include: visual therapy (also referred to as vision training or eye exercises); discontinuing close work; reducing eye strain

How is cirrhosis treated in alternative medicine?

Alternative treatments that may be of help to cirrhotic patients include nutritional and juice therapy, Western herbal therapy, traditional Chinese medicine, and homeopathy.

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Some persons with apraxia may decide to use alternative communication systems, such as a computer that transcribes and "speaks" what a person is directing it to say.

How is bruxism diagnosed?

Bruxism is the habit of grinding one's teeth, especially in situations of stress or when asleep. Doing it while asleep is not uncommon.