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15th amendment

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Q: What amendment allows black Americans to vote?
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What amendment was called after the period of the civil war caused many southerns states to pass black codes that denied African Americans the right to vote?

the fifthen amendment

Are women allowed to vote under the 15th amendment?

No, the 15th Amendment allowed all males to vote (the amendment was intended to allow African Americans to vote). Women could not vote (in most circumstances) until the 19th Amendment.

Which group of Americans gained the right to vote under twenty-sixth amendment?

The African Americans we're able to vote when the twenty-sixth amendment came into place.

The 24th amendment helped African Americans to vote by?

The twenty-fourth amendment helped African Americans to vote by eliminating poll taxes.

What amendment gurantees to former slaves and all African Americans to vote?

The 15th Amendment.

Which group of americans gained the right to vote under the Twenty-sixth Amendment?

The African Americans we're able to vote when the twenty-sixth amendment came into place.

The black man's right to vote was guaranteed by which amendment?

amendment 15

Which amendment guaranteed African Americans the right to vote?

The 13th amendment officially rendered slavery and involuntary servitude unconstitutional, and the 15th amendment prohibited the national government and the state governments from denying the vote based on "race, color, or previous condition of involuntary servitude."

What amendent gave African Americans the right to vote?

The 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote. The 15th gave African-Americans the right to vote. Thus, African-American women could not vote until both of the amendments were passed in 1920. Please support commonsense grammar.

Who had the right to vote in 1860?

women and black people did not have the right to vote

Which gave African American males the right to vote?

February 3, 1870, only black men got the right to vote. It was the 15th Amendment to the United States Constitution.

What was a result of the fifteenth amendment?

African-Americans were able to vote.