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Amendment 14 prohibited the Southern states from paying former slave owners for the loss of their slaves.

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Q: What amendment prohibited the southern states from paying former slave owners for the loss of their slaves?
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Which amendment prohibited the southern states from paying former slave owners for the loss of their slaves?

Amendment 14 prohibited the Southern states from paying former slave owners for the loss of their slaves.

What did President Johnson decide to do with the abandoned plantation lands in the South?

give them back to their former owners.

Most southern slave owners held?

2-4 slaves in the mid-1800s

Why did southerners in congress insist on the passage of a fugitive slave act?

It is because more and more people in the North where helping slaves escape to the North. Making it easier for slaves to run away... Once in the North many slaves would begin a new life.... and the Southern states had no power to remove a former slaves because there was no laws to protect the property rights of Southern Slave owners...

How were the civil and political rights of certain groups in America undermined during the years after reconstruction?

After Reconstruction, the southern states took actions that violated the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Reconstruction amendments, and the government let them do it. African Americans' right to citizenship was nullified, Black Codes effectively defied the Fourteenth Amendment by denying them liberty, freedom, and any of the rights associated with citizenship. The Black codes forced them, in many instances, to work on the same plantations they had been slaves on, and in some cases even call their former owners, 'Master' again. This violated the Thirteenth Amendment which abolished slavery. Attempts for African American men to vote were put down by the states instituting literacy tests, and poll taxes aimed at making it impossible to for them to vote. This violated the Fifteenth Amendment which provided suffrage for all African American men.

Related questions

What amendment prohibited the southern states from paying former slave owners for the loss their slaves?

Amendment 14 prohibited the Southern states from paying former slave owners for the loss of their slaves.

Which amendment prohibited the southern states from paying former's slave owners for the loss of their slaves?

Amendment 14 prohibited the Southern states from paying former slave owners for the loss of their slaves.

Which amendment prohibited the southern states from paying former slave owners for the loss of their slaves?

Amendment 14 prohibited the Southern states from paying former slave owners for the loss of their slaves.

Were southern plantation owners upper or lower class?

they where very rich until the 13th amendment was signed (after the civil war) and southern plantation owners had to let their slaves free and did not have any help working on their plantations.

Which was not a component of the southern US's sharecropping system A The only people involved in sharecropping were former slaves B It was profitable to land owners C whole families worked the land?

The only people involved in sharecropping were former slaves.

How did the southern states bypass the 13th amendment?

Amendment XIII (13) abolished slavery, which was a huge factor of the Southern United States' economy. The Southern United States relied on slaves to work many large plantations and farms the grew primarily cotton, but also grains, tobacco, and many other cash crops. The 13th amendment also did not repay slave owners for their slaves; many plantation owners were now left with huge plots of land and no one to work them, and their whole lives' worth of investments (their slaves) were gone. Slaves were very expensive -- nearing $1750, which would be the equivalent of around $40,000 in today's money.

What amendment states that soldiers can not be forced into private homes without owners consent?

If i remember correctly, its the 3rd amendment.

Were Quakers wealthy land owners who lived in the southern colonies?

Yes, Quakers were wealthy land owners who live in the southern colonies.

How did Lincoln's assassination affect reconstruction?

Upon Lincolnâ??s assassination, Vice President Andrew Johnson became president. A man with southern allegiance and no love for the former slaves, Johnson immediately stopped penalizing the south for their rebellion. Hundreds of former Confederate officers were granted pardons, property was returned to southern plantation owners and he rendered the Freedmen's Bureau powerless. Furthermore, in 1865, he declared Reconstruction was now over.

Who depended mostly on slaves in the southern colonies?

slave owners, slave traders, and plantation owners.

What amendements gun owners tend to be particularly staaunch in their support?

the 2nd amendment

Gun owners tend to be particularly staunch in their support of the amendment to the constitution?
