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Q: What amount of heat is required to raise the temperature of 100000 grams of iron by 30ºC?
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100000 atoms hydrogen (1 mole H/6.022 X 10^23) = 1.66 X 10^-19 moles H * 1.008 grams = 1.67 X 10^-19 grams As you can see this is a minuscule amount of hydrogen.

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You have two thirds if the required amount.

How do you calculate the amount heat required to change 5 pounds of ice at 32 degree to water at 32 degree?

80 calories of heat are required to melt one gram of ice without altering the temperature. There are 2267.96 grams in five pounds so you would need 181436.8 calories of heat to melt all that ice without raising the temperature.

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40 grams, this is the 1M NaOH standard laboratory solution.

What is the amount of heat required to change the temperature of 200.0 grams of aluminium to 10 degrees Celsius?

Q=m.c.Δt (m: mass, c: specific heat capacity, Δt :change in temperature)(specific heat capacity of aliminum is 0.90 J/K.g = 200 x 0.90 x 10 (if initial temperature is 0)(if not, then Δt=final temperature-initial temperature) =1800 Joules

How much energy is required to raise 21kg of water by 2 degrees Celsius?

21 Kg = 2100 grams to rise the temperature of this amount of water by 2 degrees Celsius you need 2*2100 = 4200 calories or 17572.8 Joules.

Does 100 kilograms equal 100000 grams?

Yes -Team Umizoomi

How many milligrams in 100 grams?

100 g = 100000 mg