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It depends on the tornado and where it occurs. Weak tornadoes (EF0-EF1) which inflict minor to moderate damage typically cause a few thousand to a few hundred thousand dollars in damage.

Stronger tornadoes (EF2-EF3) often have damage totals in the millions of dollars.

Some of the worst tornadoes (typically EF4 or EF5) can have damage in the hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars.

Some tornadoes stay in open fields and don't cause any damage.

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13y ago
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15y ago

Do you mean cost in damages?

Or perhaps cost to purchase a tornado...?

If you are looking for the average damage estimates of tornadoes I believe the current average is ~$23,221,264/year for Oklahoma property and real estate.

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10y ago

That depends on the intensity of the tornado and the quality of construction of the home. Here is the expected damage on the Ehnaced Fujita scale:

EF0: Shingles, gutters, awnings, and siding may be peeled, though usually not extensively. Mobile homes may shift. A few windows may break. In any tornado, homes may be crushed by falling trees.

EF1: Well built frame houses will suffer significant loss of roof surface. Poorly anchored roofs may be torn off, sometimes a weak wall may collapse. Mobile homes are likley to be overturned and/or partially destroyed. Broken windows are common.

EF2: Well built frame houses will lose their roofs, but most walls will remains standing. Exterior walls may collapse in poorly built houses. Poorly anchored houses may shif off their foundations. Mobile homes will be completely obliterated.

EF3: Multiple walls will collapse in well built frame houses, sometimes with only a few interior walls left standing. Weakers houses may be leveled. Poorly anchored houses may be blown or carried some distance.

EF4: Well built frame houses will be completely leveled, with some houses blown away. In high-end EF4 damage all but the sturdiest houses will be swept away.

EF5: Even the sturdiest houses will be completely swept away, leaving empty foundations.

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10y ago

The largest tornado on record was the 2.6-mile-wide tornado that struck near El Reno tornado on May 31, 2013 with a cost of damage estimated at $35-40 million. For a tornado of that magnitude, this is a relatively moderate cost. The reason for this that the tornado, while very large and intense, traveled mostly over open country and did not hit very much.

The most costliest tornado on record was the Joplin, Missouri tornado of May 22, 2011. It was smaller (0.9 miles wide), but tore right through a city wand was probably more intense. The cost of damage was $2.8 billion.

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How much damage can an F5 tornado cause?

A tremendous amount. F5 tornadoes are absolutely devastating events. When they strike towns damage costs can go into the hundreds of millions of dollars with thousands of homes destroyed. Several tornadoes have even caused damage upwards of $1 billion.

How can tornadoes effect homes?

Tornadoes can cause varying degrees of damage to a home ranging from minor roof damage and downed gutters (EF0 damage) to wiping the house clean off its foundation (EF5 damage, rarely occurs).

Are tornado good?

No. Tornadoes are disasters. They kill and injure people and damage or destroy homes and businesses. The effects of tornadoes may range from roof and tree damage, to the utter devastation of entire communities.

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Hurricanes are much larger than tornadoes, and thus cause damage over a larger area, meaning more homes destroyed, and more people in harm's way. Tornado damage can be more severe, but it is localized along a rather narrow path.

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Tornadoes can destroy homes and neighborhoods. They can also kill people if people are not in their designated area for protection. Tornado damage can lead to years of cleaning up.

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Most tornadoes don't even destroy homes, typically causing minor to moderate damage. Some tornadoes never even hit homes, striking only trees or open fields. At the other end of the spectrum, very strong tornadoes can destroy dozens or hundreds of homes with some of the worst destroying thousands.

What is one fact about tornadoes destroying homes?

The degree to which houses are damage or destroyed can be used to assess a tornado's intensity.

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Fewer people would loose their homes and businesses and fewer people would be injured and killed by tornadoes. However, while better construction standards might reduce the damage caused by tornadoes, nothing can actually stop tornado damage.

What is the problem with tornadoes?

Tornadoes are a problem because they can cause significant property damage. Even weak tornadoes can damage roofs, topple trees into buildings and vehicles, and cause power outages. Very strong tornadoes can completely destroy homes, businesses, and even entire neighborhoods, often resulting in multiple deaths.

Can tornadoes do damage to the atmosphere?

No. Tornadoes do not damage the atmosphere.

What does f0 mean?

The Fujita scale rates tornadoes from F0 to F5 based on how bad the damage they do is. An F0 is the weakest category. These tornadoes break tree limbs, damage siding and gutters on homes and blow some shingles from rooftops.

How much damage will happen if a tornado was to hit?

it will damage a lot of homes