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Q: What amount of radiation exposure constitutes high-level exposure?
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What was the amount of radiation exposure in Japan?

400 mSv per hour

What factors determine the extent of radiation damage?

The amount of exposure (measured in rads or rems), the duration of exposure, and the type of radiation you are exposted to determine the extent of the damage.

What are some of the health risks of radioactivity?

Depending on the amount and duration of exposure, exposure to ionizing radiation carries with it risk of:radiation burnshair loss"radiation sickness"cancerreduced life spangenetic damage

What are the effects of gamma radiation on seeds?

Various dosages have various kinds of effects on the seeds, some may germinate while others may not, all depends on the amount of exposure and amount of radiation given

What type of radiation exposure is there in a thyroid scan?

The patient should understand that there is no danger of radiation exposure to themselves or others. Only very small amounts of radioisotope are used. The total amount of radiation absorbed is often less than the dose received from ordinary x rays.

What risks exist for the patient in undergoing a gallbladder X-ray?

There is a small chance of an allergic reaction to the contrast material. In addition, there is low radiation exposure. X rays are monitored and regulated to provide the minimum amount of radiation exposure needed to produce.

What does milliamperage settings and exposure time determine?

Milliamperage settings and exposure time determine the amount of radiation delivered to the patient during a radiographic procedure. Milliamperage affects the quantity of X-rays produced, while exposure time determines the duration of exposure. Adjusting these settings correctly helps to obtain diagnostic images while maintaining radiation safety standards.

What is a dosimeter?

A dosimeter is an instrument that measures the amount of hazardous material to which something or someone has been cumulatively exposed. The most common is the radiation dosimeter, which measures a person's or object's exposure to radiation.

What is the purpose of personal dosimetry?

Personal dosimetry is used to monitor and measure the amount of radiation exposure received by individuals who work with radioactive materials or in radiation-related environments. The purpose is to ensure that radiation exposure remains within safe limits to protect the health and safety of individuals. Dosimetry helps to assess radiation risks, implement necessary safety measures, and comply with regulatory requirements.

Both Milliamperage mA setting and exposure time determine the?

Both milliamperage (mA) setting and exposure time determine the amount of radiation delivered during an X-ray exposure. mA setting controls the quantity of electrons flowing through the X-ray tube, while exposure time determines the duration of the X-ray production. Adjusting these factors can alter the overall radiation dose received by the patient.

What are three reasons radiation sickness symptoms vary?

Individual sensitivity Radiation dose absorbed type of radiationRadiation sickness varies based on the amount of expsure of radiation and how particular person's body reacts to the radiation poisoning. It also depends on how the radiation poisoning entered the body: Oral, inhalation or total body exposure.

Is there any way to change the average amount of radiation emitted from a radioactive substance?

No, there is none at all. Shielding can be placed around it to limit exposure, but it has no effect on what the substance is emitting.