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Q: What amphibians live on land and go back to the water to reproduce?
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Animals that live on land but return to water to reproduce?


What animals that live on land but return to water to reproduce?


What is that word when you live in water and on land?

Amphibious - animals that live on land and water are amphibians (although technically amphibians need to return to water to reproduce/lay eggs)

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Is it true Early land animals had to return to the water to reproduce?

Early land animals had to return to the water to reproduce.

Do Amphibians have appendages?

Yes. Many, if not most amphibians crawl or walk around on land with their little appendages or legs, and need water only to reproduce in.

What type of animal evolved that lived out of water but reproduced in water?

Amphibians live on land and breathe air, but must return to water to reproduce.

What features makes reptile successful on land?

The first and most important would be the ability to reproduce internally on land. Amphibians for example need water to reproduce. Another reason is their thick epidermis which is water tight and prevents drying out. Finally they have fully developed lungs, again, unlike amphibians.

Are amphibians land or water?

Amphibians are both water AND land creatures

Are amphibians water or land creatures?

Amphibians are both water AND land creatures

Do fish need water to breed?

No. Reptiles commonly reporduce on land.

Do amphibians live underwater or on land?

amphibians need both land and water to survive most of them spend some part of their lives in water and some on land.