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Well, for what? If it's height, then 90o. If you want maximum horizontal distance, then fire it at 45o.

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Q: What angle should you launch a bottle rocket at?
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What are the variables and constants in a bottle rocket?

The angle of the rocket. The amount of water in the rocket.

What does launch angle mean?

Launch angle means the angle at which a rocket or object is place as it is being sent into the air. This determines its initial flight and is particularly important for rockets which are entering orbit.

What is the best angle for bottle rocket fins?

About 50 Degreise

What does launch means?

Launch angle means the angle at which a rocket or object is place as it is being sent into the air. This determines its initial flight and is particularly important for rockets which are entering orbit.

What should be the initial velocity of a rocket if it to hit a target 1000 km away?

initial velocity would be ZERO before launch. To calculate the velocity you would need to hit that target at that distance you would need to know the mass of the rocket and the angle of launch or trajectory simplifying it

How do you make a bottle rocket spin?

Angle the fins so it spins, like a screwdriver

Explain how a rocket works?

A bottle rocket is like a firecracker on a stick. The bottle rocket is placed at an angle in a soda bottle that is firmly on the ground. Then the bottle rocket's fuse is lit. When the fuse burns down there is an abrupt explosion in the bottom of the rocket that forces it to fly up. When it burns all the way up the bottle rocket, gun powder in the tip of the rocket explodes in the air.

At what angle must an object be launched to travel 1 meter?

Well by the angle being at a certain angle it will launch sometime more then one meter and if the angle was a right angle then it will launch 350CM.

What does HL means on Taylor made golf driver?

This means 'High Trajectory'. That is, a high launch angle.

How come scientists tells us that the optimal release angle is a certain number?

The optimal release angle is 45 degrees from the horizontal because an object launched at that angle goes the furthest distance in comparison to other launch angles. Of course, the distance to your target will determine what the actual optimal launch angle should be. Launch angles above and below 45 degrees will cause the object that is launched to go a smaller distance.

What is the difference between launch angle and pullback angle?

The difference of these two is that pullback is how far and launch angle is the elevation. I'm not sure but you can check on Science Buddies or just google it .

Why does launch angle affect time of flight?

Not sure