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cuttle fish

flat fish


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Q: What animal can camouflage itself by using optical illusion?
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Related questions

What is the difference between camouflage and mimicry?

Mimicry describes an animal who is behaving like another type of animal to throw off its predators. Camouflage describes an animal's ability to make itself look like something else to blend in with its surroundings.

What french words presto and digit mean optical illusion?

- un prestidigitateur (the man doing the illusion), une prestidigitatrice (fem.). They are also called " illusioniste " or " magicien ". - la prestidigitation (fem.) (the sleigh of hand itself).

is Chameeleon animal can camouflage itself?

A Chameleon changes its color due to mood, and blends with its surroundings and thus gets camouflaged itself

What is Difference between camouflage and mimicry?

Mimicry describes an animal who is behaving like another type of animal to throw off its predators. Camouflage describes an animal's ability to make itself look like something else to blend in with its surroundings.

Does a rattlesnake use any chemical to camouflage itself?

No a rattlesnake does not use chemical to camouflage itself

Is the fennec fox an animal that can camouflage itself?

Yes, the fennec fox's sandy coat helps it blend into the sandy desert environment around it.

How does a Bald Eagle Camouflage itself?


How does a narwhal camouflage itself?

it has a greysh mottled skin pigmentation similar to the Arctic waters it lives in

How does a tiger camouflage itself?

with its combat suit

How does the carpet shark camouflage itself?

cause it can

Can wales camouflage itself?

that is not how you spell whale

How does zebra defends itself?

They camouflage into grass