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The birds, having evolved from dinosaurs, are their closest living relatives. Crocodilians are the second closest relative of dinosaurs.

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Q: What animal did scientists believe were most similar to dinosaurs?
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Why do some scientist believe that dinosaurs were warm blooded?

There are a number of indicators. Some dinosaur fossils show indications of an active lifestyle that a cold-blooded animal is unlikely to have. One dinosaur was found to have had a four-chambered heart, which is also found in mammals and birds, but not in modern reptiles.

Can dinosaurs be recreated?

Scientists say that recreating dinosaurs is possible, but unlikely. Scientists would have to find a significant amount of DNA, or re-mutate another animal to have dinosaur features. Mutating another animal, though it sounds highly far-fetched, is more likely to happen. This is true because it turns out that birds were revolutionized from dinosaurs. Basically, scientists are working on it, but I personally believe its dumb to try. Just look at what happened in the movie, "Jurassic Park".

What is a Mormot?

an animal similar to a marmot i believe.

Why did scientists assume dinosaurs were cold blooded?

The first traits of dinosaurs that scientists noticed were reptilian. In fact, the first animal to be called a dinosaur was iguanadon, named for its iguana-like teeth. So from their discovery until the mid-20th century, scientists regarded dinosaurs simply as giant reptiles. It was not until the 1960s that new discoveries started to point toward an at least some dinosaurs being warm blooded.

What animal group did scientists put dinosaurs into?

That would be easy. Dinosaurs are in a group of Reptiles called Archosaurs which also includes birds,Crocodile,Alligators,Pterosaurs,and their possible ancestors- Thecodonts.

Are dinosaurs trapped in bird bodies?

Many scientists now consider birds to be dinosaurs. But to say they are "trapped" is probably not the right term. They are no more "trapped" than any other type of animal.

What do you need to bring dinosaurs back?

you cant bring them back

Who kills dinosaurs?

Dinosaurs hunted and killed other dinosaurs. A few huge relatives of crocodiles, such as Deinosuchus and Suchomimus, probably hunted dinosaurs. A few of the largest mammals alive at the time, such as Repenomamus, may have hunted dinosaur hatchlings. Scientists consider birds a subdivision of dinosaurs, in which case any animal that hunts birds kills dinosaurs. Of course, prehistoric pathogens would have killed some dinosaurs through disease.

What is an ardvarck?

It is an animal similar to an anteater in diet, but I believe aardvarks have teeth.

Why did they invent dinosaurs?

Dinosaurs were not invented. They were an actual type of animal.

What animal today looks most like a tyrannosaurus?

Birds are the closest living relative of a branch of dinosaurs (they're actually descended from dinosaurs whereas we're descended from reptiles), so they would be the most similar.

Which is the biggest animal is related to dinosaurs?

The largest animal alive today that is related to dinosaurs would be the saltwater crocodile.