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The platypus and echidna are egg-laying mammals and thus have fur. Most reptiles also lay eggs.

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Q: What animal does not have hair and does not lay eggs?
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What animal does not lay eggs and has no hair?

ya mum

What animal live in water lay eggs and has hair?


What animal does not lay any eggs?

Only birds lay eggs

Where do flies lay their eggs?

Usually in water. Fruit flys lay eggs on sugary fruits.

Do callipers lay eggs?

A calliper is a measuring device, not an animal. It does not lay eggs.

Animals that don't lay eggs that have wings?

An animal that does not lay eggs is a viviparous animal.

Can other animals apart from insects lay eggs in human hair?

This could be a trick question. No other animal lays eggs in human hair while that hair is still attached to a human head, but hair that falls off or is cut off and blows away in the wind may be collected by birds and incorporated into their nests, where they will lay their eggs.

Where do body lice lay their eggs?

Body lice lay their eggs in the body hair

Where do housefly lay eggs?

they laythere eggs on animal waste

What have hair and lay eggs?

Platypus and echidnas.

Have hair but lay eggs?

Easy, the platypus.

Do animal that lay many eggs stay with them?

Depends on the animal.