

What animal eats gators?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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14y ago

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Humans sometimes prey on alligators and the alligators sometimes eat each other. Adult alligators have little to fear from predators but hatchlings are vulnerable even with the protection of their mother. They can fall victim to predators such as raccoons, herons, snakes, and even bass.

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11y ago
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13y ago

When they are young they eat frogs and insects and their mothers will eat anything they comes near their young ones. Some older crocs will actually eat others young. But when they are older their main food supply is fish

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12y ago

When American Alligators just hatch, they are quite small. Any number of creatures will eat them: foxes, raccoons, opossums, snakes, eagles, hawks, large fish, and the list continues. When they are fully grown, sometimes they swim in the ocean where a shark can eat one, and other times humans kill and eat them. Otherwise grown alligators have no enemies.


Pythons and even Black bears actually are predators of alligators. Florida black bears have been known to kill 16 ft american alligators and feed on them! Pythons sometimes do prey on adult alligators if they are able to bind them first.

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11y ago

Nothing pretty much eats the crocodile. Crocodiles are apex and extremely powerful strong predators that can almost kill any animal.

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12y ago

It is believed that Carcharondontosaurus (the African equivilent of Tyrantosaurus) ate crocodilles.

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14y ago

nothing but some people eat both gators and crocks... also ssnapping turtles eat small ones that r less thab 4 ft

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13y ago

a Burmese python

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