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The snail and the butterfly is the animal that uses its body for tasting its food. The snails and the butterflies are the animals that use their bodies to taste their foods.

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The animal that has close to 1,700 taste buds is the dog. The dog is considered to be man's best friend.

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The animal that has the most taste buds is a catfish. This sea creature has over 20,000 taste buds in its mouth.

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Q: What animal has taste buds all over its body?
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Related questions

What does over stimulation of the taste buds do to the sense of taste?

It causes brain damage

Why your taste changed?

over time some taste buds die which makes your taste different

Why are my taste buds disappearing and reappearing?

Taste buds disappear with age, if you are over the age 7 then youre taste buds may be going through their change right now. This occurs every 5-7 years.

How many taste buds are people born with?

over 10

Do taste buds wear out?

In a sense. The average life of a taste bud is about 10 days but those are replaced by new ones constantly. Strangely enough, the higher your altitude the less sensitive your taste buds. Also, as you age your taste buds become less sensitive requiring more seasoning.

What is the effect of Swollen Taste Bud?

The effect of swollen taste buds is the case but is covered over by the tongue and doesn't function at all. So person won't taste anything with those taste buds.

How do you kill your taste buds?

There is no safe or recommended way to intentionally kill taste buds. Over time, taste buds can regenerate on their own if damaged. However, certain factors like smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and extreme temperatures can temporarily impair taste buds. If you have concerns about your sense of taste, it is best to consult a healthcare professional.

How many taste buds do humans have?

It is all over your toughn you can even see a clear spot so there are 1000 or over.

What needs to happen to food before you are able to taste it?

It has to be dissolved in water. Sliva begin this process. The saliva and food wash over the taste buds. Taste buds are made up of a gruop of sensory cells with tiny taste hairs projecting from them.

Should your taste buds be numb with a peirceing?

Well your taste buds (over 10,000 on average) don't go numb. You may loose a couple due to the piercing but the taste buds themselves regenerate. Case in point: Eat a bag of Salt & Vinegar potato chips then look at your tongue, you will see great flat spots over areas of the tongue, "missing taste buds". Discharge and other healing processes can play games during the initial healing period, this is not limited to messing with your sense of taste.

Where are the taste buds in adult humans?

All over your tongue. There are different areas you find them. There are some where they recognize salty, bitter, sweet and tangy. Google taste buds, and you might find a diagram.

How is a young child's healthy diet different from an adult?

If you start eating healthy when you are young then you will get your taste buds immune to the taste instead of when you are older when your taste buds haven't tasted the food over all your years of age. It won't taste good after you put the food in your mouth.