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White tigers are known to kill each other establishing mating or territorial rights.

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Q: What animal kills white tigers?
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Which animal kills a white tiger?

White tigers are beautiful and magnificent creatures which have earned their place in the bountiful earth, yet sadly they are on the verge of extinction. The animals that kills these remarkable creatures (i'm sad to say) is us.

Are white tigers an African animal?

No the white tiger in india

What animals interact with white tigers?


What kills white tiger?

White tigers are known to kill each other establishing mating or territorial rights.

Where do white tigers get shelter?

White tigers get shelter in deep caves or in deep dark shadows to avoid contact with any other animal.

Do white tigers eat a certain type of animal?

not really, they eat basically the same as other tigers

When do white tigers normally eat?

They are carnivores. So they eat any animal that is made of meat such as other orange or white tigers, rabbits, or birds.

What are some animals that hunt tigers?

White tigers are the same species as regular tigers, only with a different fur color. And tigers, being top predators, aren't hunted by any other animal. Only humans hunt tigers, white or otherwise.

What animal kills the Siberian tiger?

The Siberian Tiger actually only has one predator - Humans. Siberian tigers are an endangered species.

Is there an animal that exists such as White tigers?

-Yes -White tigers are a color morph of any subspecies of tiger whose fur is almost white, though it is not a separate subspecies. -I fany Georgina Miners

What are the animals that live with the white tiger?

White tigers are the same species as regular tigers, only with a different fur color. And tigers, being top predators, aren't hunted by any other animal. Only humans hunt tigers, white or otherwise.

An animal that kills and eats another animal?

Energy is derived from food. So any animal that kills and eats another obtains energy. Such as lions, tigers, bears dogs, cats, they are all know as carnivores, flesh eating mammals