

What animal lives in a bale?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: What animal lives in a bale?
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Does a bale of wool make sense?

Yes. The bale would be filled with animal fleece, which has not yet been processed into what you may know as 'wool'.

What animal eats a bale of hay?

Domestic animals such as cows, horses and goats.

What animal is a bale of something?

Hmmm. You mean what is a group of turtles called? Other than that, I would suppose any animal could be considered a bale of "something". Bale simply means a large bundle of goods. So, you and I are bales of, well, meat? Or, as Gene Roddenberry says "Large ugly bags of mostly water".

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The three differences between an animal that lives in the water and an animal that lives near the mountains are as follows:an animal that lives in the water may be asymmetrical, radially symmetrical or bilaterally symmetrical with streamlined body, whereas an animal that lives near the mountains will always show bilateral animal that lives in the water may be either cold-blooded or warm-blooded, but an animal that lives near the mountains will always be animal that lives in the water may be covered with spicules, scales or just tough skin, while an animal that lives near the mountains will always have a thick hide of hair or fur.

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Christian Bale played Bruce Wayne in 'The Dark Knight' .

What is collective nouns bale used for?

The collective noun for chairs is a set of chairs. The noun bale is a collective noun for a bale of cotton or a bale of hay.

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