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You're thinking of some type of whale.

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Q: What animal spends the southern summer in the Antarctic then travels 5000 miles to the equator to its breeding ground?
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What way does a toliet flush?

depending on what side of the equator your on, if your in the northern hemisphere then it travels counterclockwise but if your in the southern H then it travels clockwise usually.

The only two continents totally north of the Equator is North America and Europe or North America and Asia Which is correct?

North America and Europe is the correct answer. The equator travels through the southern islands of Asia (Indonesia for example), therefore it does not lie above the equator.

What is the distance the equator travels on land?

The distance around the Earth at the Equator, its circumference, is 40,075 kilometers (24,901 miles).

Why does a arctic tern travel?

It travels to get to its breeding grounds and to get to its wintering grounds.

What is an arctic tern?

An Arctic tern is a migratory bird, Latin name Sterna paradisaea, which travels between the Arctic and the Antarctic.

Generally the farther away from the Equator one travels in Africa the?

The length of daylight becomes more extreme

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A continental jet-stream travels parallel to the equator - a polar jet-stream travels in a north/south direction.

How does the sun heat water at the equator?

the sun's solar radiation travels through space until it hits earth. because heat is just vibrating particles, it starts to heat the water at the equator.

Why does warm ocean water near the equator not melt the earths poles when it travels to the poles?

because it gets cold on the way.

How far is it from Houston to the Equator?

It is about 5,000 miles from Houston, Texas to the Equator. If a person travels on land from Houston, Texas to Panama City, Panama and then charters a boat from Panama City, Panama to the Equator, it will shorten the trip by about 500 miles.

Why does the toliet water flush the oppoiste way in Mexico?

If you are above the equator, they flush clockwise. If you live below the equator, they flush counter clockwise. This is because of the Coriolis effect and the direction seawater flows in the ocean. Likewise to the toilet, the oceanwater travels in a clockwise pattern above the equator, and a counter clockwise pattern below the equator.

What is the tropical cyclone that forms in the pacific northwest that travels west?

A tropical cyclon in the western Pacific north of the equator is called a typhoon.