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It is a Vulture

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Q: What animal starts with a v and eats dead animals?
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What are animals that eat dead plants or animals?

Vultures eat dead animals and that's the only animal i know.

A animal that eats other dead animals?

mouse,rat,dog and monkey.

What is a consumer that feeds on plant and animal remains and dead matter?

A scavenger eats the remains of dead animals.

Is a buzzard a decomposer?

Yes i mostly eats dead animals not of any animal i can think of it eats alive

What kind of animal eats dead decaying animales?

Vultures and hyenas are scavengers that eat the carcases of dead animals.

What animal that eats dead animals without hunting?

An animal that consumes dead animals would be a detrivore; however, there are decomposers like bacteria and fungi that also utilize dead organic material for an energy source.

What animal that starts with the letter x eats food that also starts with the letter x?

An animal that starts with the letter x is, Xoni.I'm pretty sure that all animals eat food.

Is an animal that eats dead animals called a carnivore?

An animal that only eats dead animals would be the dead animals predator. usually the predator like to kill it for itself but not all the time it could be a bird either eat it itself or eat to feed your children.An animal that only eats dead animals would be the dead animals predator. usually the predator like to kill it for itself but not all the time it could be a bird either eat it itself or eat to feed your children.An animal that only eats dead animals would be the dead animals predator. usually the predator like to kill it for itself but not all the time it could be a bird either eat it itself or eat to feed your children.

What animal eats dead or decaying animals?

wolfs, lions, bears, and just about any other carnivorous creature.

A decomposer is an insect fungus or bacteria that breaks animals or plants that are?

a carnivore is an animal that eats only?