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All mammals suckle their young ones.

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amarnath Singh

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Bityantik Sen sharma

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Who suckle their young one

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Fahe ysmfbfrj dkwvIdeh, duezzmtdvaizx reh

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cow and cat

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All mammals

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Q: What animal suckless its young and carry to safe place?
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Name the animal that carry their young on their back?

A sloth is one.

What is the term for an animal which carry their young in a punch?

If you mean pouch the answer is a mammal

How does my animal care for its young?

It protects its young, has birth in a safe place

In which sea animal species does the male carry the young?

SeahorseSeahorses are generally monogamous.

What do you calls animal that carries young in its pounch?

An animal like the opossum and kangaroo that carry their young in a pouch after birth, is called a marsupial. (marr-SOOP-ee-uhl)

How do King Cobras carry their young?

King Cobras DON'T carry their young after birth. After birth they leave their young to the place of birth so the baby King Cobras have to take care of them selves to danger.

Do cheetahs always go for the neck?

Cheetahs normally pick their cubs by the neck since that is the safest part of the body to carry them by. They usually carry their young ones to a safer place or a place with food.

How does a habitat benefit an animal?

It is like a house for a human a place to live and care for their young.

In what place can the animal colt be found?

Usually on a farm. A colt is a young male horse.

What kind of other animal carries their young in a pouch like a kangaroo and have young called a joey also?

All marsupial young are known as joeys. Almost all marsupials carry their young in a pouch (the numbat, for example, does not have a pouch).

How do animals get their younger ones in the shelter?

Somebody brave enough has to somehow capture the animal, or an animal patrol officer has to go after it. The person who caught the animal either brings it to a chelter or keeps it as his/her pet. Then, if the pet is at the shelter, the animal should, sooner or later, get adopted by a nice and loving family.

What is the meaning of Chinese 'zai'?

Commonly used Chinese characters of this Pinyin are listed here: 在 [zài] ---> preposition, be in the condition of, be in the place of 再 [zài] ---> again, once more 灾 [zāi] ---> disaster 载 [zǎi] ---> carry, load, convey 仔 [zǎi] ---> young man, young animal