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The American Indians did not use teeth as knives--wrong shape, etc... Teeth were used decoatively, as status symbols, as evidence of rank, prowess or power. Teeth were also used as chisels--beaver incisors worked very well due to their shape. Boars' tusks were worked into necklaces, bracelets, and other ornaments. In some cases, a boars' tuck was used as a hafting for a knife or pick or bone needle.

Ivory was at one time fashioned into lance and spear points for fishing00the inuit and the paleo-Indians both used ivory--walrus tusk or mammoth tusk.

A jaw bone with teeth intact could be used to saw with, though to what degree of accuracy or finish is conjectural. Flint, chert and especially volcanic glass all produce much sharper edges than can be made from dental material, whose only real virtue comes forth in the use of beaver incisors as a chisel, hafted in some fashion

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Native american knives were made out of different materials and objects. it depended on what the knife was used for, but most indian knives were made out of stainless steal

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Your mother's

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Q: What animal teeth did Native Americans use for knives?
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What are some physical traits of American people?

Americans don't really have physical trait because they are like "an American melting pot" so there are many nationality mixes but Americans usually have very strait teeth because it is extremely common to have braces as a kid. Native Americans are very tan and have thick black hair but pure native Americans are very hard to find because of the United states history.

What artifact is most likely to have been made by American Indians of the Plains?

They used animal teeth to kill other animals so they would kill the animall and eat its meat and then use it teeth to kill other animals

What clothes did the native American tribes wear?

There are many different tribes from various regions. However, most used animal skins for cover and warmth. Here's an example: The Plains Indians used Buffalo skins as robes. Dresses and breech clouts were made from deer skin, with various ceremonial additions being elk teeth, wolf pelts, and skins from smaller game. Moccasins were often made from a mixture of buffalo, deer, and rabbit skins.

How did Native Americans clean their teeth?

"In many regions of the world, people are cleaning their teeth with twigs, most often from oak and neem trees," says Dr. Steven Goldberg. "They break a twig in half, splay and soften the broken end and then rub it on their teeth, in effect, wiping the surface of their teeth clean," Goldberg adds. Sally Fallon, president of the Weston A. Price Foundation, a nonprofit nutrition education foundation, tells Mother Nature Network that in traditional societies that have no access to Western foods with processed sugars and white flour, many of these indigenous people have no cavities, and flash smiles with perfect pearly white teeth, even though tooth brushing is rare. "Within a very short time of forgoing their traditional, native diets, though, cavities become evident," says Fallon, adding that the next generation of natives who eat processed food will begin to develop crooked teeth.

Abraham Lincoln teeth were made of?

Abraham Lincoln teeth are made of wood.

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What animal teeth are so sharp that Native Americans once used them as knife blades?

wolf's teeth

What animal teeth are so sharp that the native Americans used them for knives?

still used by tribes today, the red-bellied piranha's teeth were used for hunting(spears), cutting food and hair, and also as tools to aid in building huts

What animal has teeth as big as knives?

The saber tooth cat.

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native Americans

What was the type of wood that the native Americans used to brush their teeth?

birch wood

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What animal has teeth sharp enough to be used by native Americans as tools?

Early accounts of the Powhatan people said that they used the tooth of a beaver to carve the nocks in their arrows (the notch for the string). They also sometimes used the teeth of large fish as arrow points.

How did Native Americand kill buffalo?

they had spears made out of rocks or animal teeth and stab them with it from a far distance.

Do all have knives teeth?

only serrated ones do

What do Indian's use beavers teeth for?

The Beaver teeth were so sharp,Natives used them for knives.

The teeth of what animal are so sharp that Native Americans once used them as knife blades?

The red-bellied piranha's teeth are so sharp that tribes used them for their tip of their hunting spears, cutting hair, slicing food, as well as tools for building huts. The teeth from these piranha's are still currently used as devices to this very day!