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Q: What animals are Lennie and George planning on having on their farm?
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How can you write about george life after Lennie's dead?

You can say that George will no Longer feel the burden of having to worry about Lennie and the responsibilities that came along with Lennie.

What does George tell Lennie about the rabbits?

George tells Lennie that if he behaves and follows their plan, he will be able to tend the rabbits on their dream farm and take care of them. George knows that this idea brings joy and comfort to Lennie, who loves animals. The dream of tending the rabbits also serves as a motivation for Lennie to stay out of trouble and work towards their shared goal of having their own piece of land.

Which 2 animals die in mice and men?

In "Of Mice and Men," two animals die: the puppy that Lennie accidentally kills by petting too hard, and the future dream of having rabbits that Lennie will not be able to tend to after George is forced to shoot him.

What are the two reasons why George didn't want Lennie to have a mouse?

George didn't want Lennie to have a mouse because Lennie often pets animals too roughly, unintentionally causing harm. Additionally, George believed that having a mouse would contribute to Lennie's habit of getting into trouble and causing problems.

Who shot Lennie in the back of the head?

George. After Lennie accidentally killed Curleys wife and went to hide in the brush (a place where George and Lennie agreed to meet in case of trouble) Curley and the guys set out to kill Lennie for what he did. George, not wanting Lennie to die like that, told Lennie the story of the house they planned on having. while telling Lennie he shot him in the back of the head.

Why does george get angry at Lennie for?

George gets angry at Lennie mainly out of frustration and a sense of responsibility for having to constantly watch over him. Lennie's actions often unintentionally cause problems or put them in difficult situations, leading George to feel overwhelmed and upset. However, George's anger is also motivated by his love for Lennie and a desire to protect him from harm.

What assumotions does the boss make as to wy george and Lennie travel together?

The boss assumes that George is taking care of Lennie because Lennie is not capable of taking care of himself due to his mental disability. He may also assume that George is taking advantage of Lennie in some way by having him work with him.

Why didn't George invite Lennie to old Suzy's Place?

George didn't invite Lennie to old Suzy's Place because he wanted to go alone to enjoy himself without having to worry about taking care of Lennie. George wanted some time to relax and be carefree, knowing that Lennie can be unpredictable and may cause trouble.

What is behind george's plan about having the boss see Lennie work before hearing Lennie speak?

George wants the boss to see Lennie's physical abilities before hearing him speak so that the boss is more likely to overlook Lennie's mental limitations. This way, Lennie has a better chance of getting hired and they can secure work without facing discrimination due to Lennie's intellectual disabilities.

What are two situations in which Lennie manipulates george and makes him feel bad in of mice and men?

In "Of Mice and Men," Lennie unintentionally manipulates George by constantly asking him to talk about their dream of owning a ranch, making George feel guilty for his own doubts and frustrations. Additionally, Lennie's actions and inability to control his strength lead to George feeling responsible for managing and protecting him, creating a sense of burden and pressure on George.

What do Lennie and george gain from one another?

Lennie gains protection and guidance from George, who looks out for him and ensures his safety. George gains companionship and a sense of purpose from taking care of Lennie, as well as having someone to share his dreams and ambitions with. Their friendship provides both of them with a deep connection and a feeling of belonging.

Does Slim approve of George having killed Lennie?

Slim understands that George had no other choice but to kill Lennie to prevent a worse fate for him at the hands of others. He sympathizes with the difficult decision that George had to make and recognizes the love and friendship between the two men.