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Animals that are blind and dig underground are moles. Moles are very savvy characters when it comes to digging up garden plants because they steal the roots from under the soil.

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Q: What animals are blind and dig underground?
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What digs holes underground?

There are many animals that dig holes underground. Frogs dig holes. Moles also dig holes and rabbits can as well. Animals will do this for protection, and to stay cool.

do tigers dig tunnels or holes?

They dig tunnels underground.

How do you build or dig an underground food cooler?

Start with a shovel then dig

How can you see underground?

dig a hole

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Use the Explorer Kit and go to the Underground and dig. Use the Explorer Kit and go to the Underground and dig. Use the Explorer Kit and go to the Underground and dig.

How do moles adapted to the underground?

Since there is no need for sight... some mole eyes are blind, their nose is highly sensitive. Digging is an absolute necessity... mole claws are extremely able to dig.

Why moles live underground?

1) their main source of food, the worm lives underground. 2) They are blind 3) Nature has evolved them to be able to dig well.

How do you get a heart scale in dp?

you can dig it out from underground.

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you dig them up underground

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How do animals breathe underground?

Well, they only go underground if they dig it out, like a mole or dog. There are many examples of course. They can breath because there is space and air down there. Its not like they just have 0 air down there.

Where can you find a heartscale?

Underground. You have to dig at dig spots to find them, among other things.